Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of Silver City Church. Please contact if you have any further questions or queries.
Online Bank Transfer
You can give a one off or recurring gift directly to Silver City Church via bank transfer using our details below. If you are a UK taxpayer you may be able to increase your gift by an additional 25% through the Gift Aid scheme.
Bank: RBS
Account Name: The Apostolic Church
Sort code: 83-15-31
Account: 00272559
In Person Giving
In person giving (cheque/cash/gift aid voucher) can be done using the offering box which is available on a Sunday morning (located at the side of the stage area).
You can set up a one off or a regular gift via Stewardship by clicking here
Future fund​
Future Fund is a specific fund aimed at ensuring Silver City Church is well placed to embrace the opportunities and manage the challenges that we face in the future. Future Fund is aimed at people who already give to support the work at Silver City Church, but would like to invest more. Any funds raised will be designated towards two main areas...
Building Structures: Maintaining our Existing building | Purchasing a new building
Building People: Leadership development
To begin giving to Future Fund please use one of the methods above, using the reference 'Future Fund'
For more info please click on the PDF file below
finance updates
At Silver City Church we aim to be as transparent as possible in regards to our finances. As part of this we aim to release regular finance updates. The most recent one (November 2023) can be viewed below by clicking on the PDF file.