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bible read through (BRT) groups​




Welcome to the sign up page for Bible Read Through (BRT) groups at Silver City Church (2024/25) 

BRT is a very simple concept... Each BRT group has around 6-8 people in it, who come together each week to share two or three things that stood out to them from the bit of the Bible they have been reading during the week. At the end there is a chance to pray for one another. Being part of a BRT group is a great way to cultivate a healthy habit of daily bible reading. Not only will your relationship with God be strengthened, but your relationships with other people at Silver City Church will grow deeper too.

Over the next two years our BRT groups will read the entire Bible together (the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice). To help us do this we will be using the Immerse Bible reading resource. Most people will use the book version, but it is also available as an e-book or audio version. More details can be found about Immerse here: 

January – March : Beginnings 
May – July : Kingdoms 
August – December : Messiah (New Testament)

January - Feb : Prophets
March : Chronicles

April - June : Poets
September – December : Messiah (New Testament)


To get involved please fill out the form by clicking here


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